Are Antifa white supremacists?

They will deny it. But then, they will also compare themselves to the soldiers storming Normandy. So it really doesn’t matter what they say they are. It only matters what they do.

Let’s examine their actions a little closer.

A thread.
In 2020 Antifa destroyed more black businesses and neighborhoods than the KKK have in their history. Nothing they do is random. Their destruction is planned, and areas are targeted in advance. And they always target predominately urban and black communities specifically. Why?
Because when you do that, you divest black business and home owners of familial and communal wealth that has taken them generations to accumulate, and will take generations more to rebuild. The endgame is the perpetual submission and dependency of black communities.
White supremacists can’t wear sheets and hoods anymore, due to the stigma. That just doesn’t garner enough support. They need to reinvent a way to operate in plain sight. This requires brand re-imaging.
If their old brand was “fascist,” it would follow their new brand would have to be the exact opposite, knowing what they called themselves was strictly for optics, just so long as long as their actions followed supremacist dogma.
Antifa are white, hooded, and masked. Their violence is emboldened by anonymity, politicians, and media who protect them. Molotov cocktails are their weapons of choice. Black areas bear the worst collateral damage. Did I just describe modern-day Minneapolis, or 1950s Mississippi?
If I were a white supremacist, Antifa is EXACTLY where I would go to carry out my mission under protection of the government, media, and unassuming liberals who are easily fooled by lazy Orwellian wordplay. I mean, who would stop me? I’m anti-fascist. It’s literally in my name.
During a time of COVID lockdown millions of businesses—including many minority owned—were forced to shut down under threat of fine or arrest. Meanwhile, Antifa rioted with impunity and privilege. As the old lament goes… imagine if they’d been black.
And in the process, Antifa co-opted and seized the #BLM protests for the purpose of demonizing the non-violent protesters. As you can see, the black community doesn’t want white supremacist Antifa around. They’ve seen this kind of usurpation before.
A black woman begs Antifa to stop hurting the cause. "Don't spray stuff out here when they're gonna blame black people for this, and black people didn't do it.....they're gonna blame that on us. Y'all a part of the problem."

Her pleas are ignored.
More minority pleas ignored by Antifa, their supposed allies.
Because Antifa’s goal is not to support #BlackLivesMatter moderates. They are working to discredit the legitimate non-violent black protesters through violent means, then deflecting blame on their racial enemy. They are not supporting the black community. They are subverting it.
Remember, this is who Antifa admires.
Of course, what majority blacks want is of no relevance to Antifa, who want to control all jurisdictions freely and without consequence in order to establish their supremacy there. They want the impunity of a deputized mob. Think: Tulsa race massacre.
“If they’re white supremacists, why do they attack white people?”

Antifa attack anyone who holds modern-day values of true equality, and who oppose segregation and racism in all forms. Antifa aren’t attacking white people–arguably, they are attacking race traitors.
This is why they assaulted 81-year-old Dorothy Marston, calling her Nazi scum. They didn’t hate her because she was a Nazi. They hated her because her husband FOUGHT the Nazis. She was a race traitor.

Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.
Antifa and white supremacists share all the same enemies...

And, of course, the black community.
One of white supremacy’s greatest threats is a man named Daryl Davis. Davis is a black man most famously known for personally de-radicalizing over 200 members of the Ku Klux Klan, including klegals, Cyclops, and grand dragons/wizards.
In 2019, Davis was the keynote speaker slated to headline an event in Pitman, New Jersey. The "Ending Racism" event, organized by Subverse, Mythinformed and MINDS, was part of a series "intended to create dialogue and promote viewpoint diversity."
The building was sieged by Antifa, who threatened to burn it down if they went through with the event. Antifa then accused Daryl Davis of being....what else? A white supremacist.
Why did they accuse Daryl Davis of being a white supremacist? Because....
Antifa and the Woke don't want men like @RealDarylDavis heard, because his message is a direct threat to racial discordance. That's why Davis, and anyone who hosts him, like @joerogan , face similar slanderous accusations.
When the far-left say white supremacy is the biggest threat facing us, they are telling the truth, but using deflective sleight of hand. Psychologists define deflection as the learned defense mechanism of passing something over to someone else to draw attention from yourself.
Or, to put it another way....
These people should be shunned, but not ignored. Currently they thrive because they are protected by media, Big Tech, and government. But even the slightest pushback renders them paper tigers. Remember, evil is fundamentally weak, because the majority of us reject it by nature.
Also remember that reality is dictated by “lived experience.” That is, any claim you feel like making is the only evidence you need. I could simply claim they are white supremacists. But that would be playing their game. Rather than dictate, I want to show.
And it is now more important than ever to show the rest of the world what long-time Antifa apologist Mayor Ted Wheeler just found out: whether you think they’re white supremacists or just old-fashioned terrorists, there’s a monster at our doorsteps.

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