I wrote about why Trump's latest—threatening a Republican electoral official to try to get him to “find 11,780 votes" for him isn't performative. None of this is, because this isn't theater and that gun pointed at our democracy isn't a prop. It's loaded. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/01/gun-was-always-loaded/617560/
Incompetent and clumsy yes. "So what are we going to do here, folks? I only need 11,000 votes. Fellas, I need 11,000 votes. Give me a break" sounds like a bad line from Sopranos. But it's not performative when the President says that to an election official while threatening him.
And if he had? https://twitter.com/nytimes/status/1346618946993201154
The new playbook. https://twitter.com/AsteadWesley/status/1346631770964439040
One of the most important consequences of night could be this. Deterring future attempts to steal elections. https://twitter.com/benjysarlin/status/1346794619712004096
This is the crucial backdrop, along with the current gerrymandering in the House of Representatives and the state legislators. The election in Georgia could be a turning point as an electoral rebuke—quite hard under these rules—is the strongest response. https://twitter.com/imillhiser/status/1346834407626334209
The Capitol has been breached since and the "protesters" are outside the Senate Chambers. Pence had to be rushed out. Very normal events proceeding normally as the minor downside of "humoring" dreams of election-stealing for a just a little bit more. https://twitter.com/edlavaCNN/status/1346899357493317632
Nothing to see here. https://twitter.com/Olivia_Beavers/status/1346903163849342987
And would anyone be calling them "protesters"? https://twitter.com/BrentNYT/status/1346904381153808390
Nothing even teensy-bit abnormal. https://twitter.com/Olivia_Beavers/status/1346905694155497472
Is there any other country where people would not name exactly what's going on in this picture after the last few months? Also note, the US is not the only country to have pathetic, farcical coup attempts—or if you want to be technical, self-coup attempts. https://twitter.com/igorbobic/status/1346906369232920576
This may all seem farcical and tragic, and it is both, but if the Republicans had not lost the two Georgia Senate elections yesterday (with less than one percent and less than half a percent difference), this storming of the Capitol would be much, much worse and a different game.
You don't always need a weathermen... https://twitter.com/juliamusing/status/1346914347725905924
I guess they couldn't resist. Turkey's Foreign Ministry issues a statement: "Watching post-election developments in the United States with worry. Encourage the sides to moderation and calm. Advise our citizens to stay away from crowds and demonstration." 🙄 https://twitter.com/TC_Disisleri/status/1346912432996937728
Let me pass a note that I’m seeing shared among my Middle Eastern tweets some of whom are tempted to analyze all this blow by blow. Experience.😬As it often happens, there may be people among the police who sympathize with those who stormed the Capitol—even as many do their job.
So far: Capitol stormed, one dead, multiple explosive devices found/detonated, the very few people arrested had guns on them, the electoral college vote was not certified (staffers rushed out with the boxes). Still wondering what happens if we indulge election-stealing fantasies?
Thirteen. Out of all that mayhem, thirteen. Should we be grateful that they didn’t let one go for good luck? https://twitter.com/cbsnews/status/1346985794712514562
Having difficulty imagining anyone following any of this actually claiming being surprised by the attempt. How will it go and what will happen? Sure. Who knows? But they’re gonna try? Clear as day. https://twitter.com/breenewsome/status/1347013839162925057
Even after all that, 138 representatives —65% of GOP caucus—and 7 senators voted to discard PA. PA rules were voted in by the GOP but even the guy who got elected by them voted to throw out the ones for the president. They would have stolen that election if they had the numbers. https://twitter.com/abgutman/status/1347050080864509952
There’s almost no more obvious, basic truth to how politics operates. It’s not just that a mob stormed the Capitol, it’s also that right after that, the majority of elected GOP representatives proceeded to try to throw out the election results to steal it for their guy. https://twitter.com/patrick_wyman/status/1346997713565466624
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