It's ridiculously easy to create a state of fear and panic for those still trapped in the left/right paradigm. For the Left fill their heads with fears of racists, fascists etc and they will do your bidding. For the Right, repeat over and over that Communism is coming.
For Example, even those who don't particularly like Trump are embracing him out of fear that Biden is the bringer of full communism. Those who don't like Biden supported him bc of fear that Trump would bring a white supremacist fascism.
Both sides make excuses (The tyranny will come slower with Trump or Better Biden than that racist Trump!) about why they still support a broken, rigged system of violence. Yes, government is predicated on violence.
If you keep supporting this system and settling for politicians who lie and steal and cheat you are only allowing things to get worse. We must reject these systems and put our time, money, energy, and power into creating new systems that actually represent our values.
It's not easy work, but the alternative is playing this game over and over. If you choose that path you are damning the future generations that depend on us.

Shake off your shackles. Reject electoral politics and embrace Agorism.
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