I’d encourage anyone who feels down about their stats to think about the number of people as like...actual people rather than stats. Your fic ’only’ got 30 kudos? How many people were in your HS English class? About 30? Imagine that room but everyone has read and loved your work.
Have 150 and still not think it’s a lot? That’s about how many people can fit on a domestic airplane. 400? Try a lecture hall at a university. What about 10? That’s a mighty fine limousine you have there.
I just think there’s something powerful about making those numbers real. Sometimes I feel weird about my follower count. But then I remember— I used to give presentations to rooms of 500 people, and like, damn, that same number of people have CHOSEN to be here & see my stories?
I just think it’s neat. I just think it’s so neat. All of your readers and followers are PEOPLE with lives and schedules and things to do and they take the time out of their day to enjoy your stuff. I just think it‘s so cool. It’s so fucking cool.
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