We are fighting hard to dramatically accelerate NYC’s vaccination program.

We are also getting a flood of questions from NYers about who is currently eligible, how to sign up, the plan for eligibility going forward, and more.

Here are the latest answers. 1/
Who can get the vaccine now?
* Most people who work in healthcare settings & have direct patient contact are now eligible--including private doctors offices, dentists, EMS, urgent care. Also residents and most staff in nursing homes. Detailed list here:
https://www1.nyc.gov/assets/doh/downloads/pdf/covid/planned-covid-19-vaccine-distribution-nyc 2/
What about home health care workers?
* They are eligible starting Jan 11.

Who’s in the next phase, and when will this start?
* Phase 1B, likely starting in Feb, will include people aged 75+, and frontline essential workers who cannot physically distance and have frequent in-person contact with others (details who exactly this includes are TBD) 4/
What about people aged 65-74 or w/ underlying conditions?
* Phase 1C, likely starting Mar-Apr, will include people aged 65-74, people w/ underlying health conditions (exactly what this means is TBD) and all other essential workers (again TBD exactly who this will include.) 5/
When will the general population be able to get vaccinated?
* With current pace of distribution, likely not until this summer. 6/
Why is vaccination going so slowly in NYC?
* There are many reasons for this. Logistical and staff challenges at hospitals. Slow pace of rollout of community-based vaccination sites. Too little flexibility in prioritization. All of this must be fixed ASAP. 7/
What can be done to make the process faster?
* Start vaccinating 24/7 (no more taking weekends/holidays off); open sites everywhere (school gymnasiums, community centers, MSG); give flexibility to vaccinate someone at lower priority if otherwise the shot would be wasted. 8/
If i’m eligible to get the vaccine now, where can I schedule an appointment?
* In most cases vaccination is being provided through employers. But for unaffiliated healthcare workers, you can schedule an appointment at a City-run site here: https://covid19.nychealthandhospitals.org/UnaffiliatedHealthCareWorkers 9/
If there are no appointments available, can I sign up to be notified when some open up?
* Yes. If you are in group 1A you can sign up here to be notified by email: 10/
Where is vaccination being done for those in group 1A whose employers are not providing?
* Locations are just starting to come online. Will include @nychealthsystem clinics, hubs run by @nychealthy, and pop-up sites. Check here for updates and details: https://www1.nyc.gov/site/doh/covid/covid-19-vaccine-locations.page 11/
How do you prove you are in one of the eligible employment groups?
* You will fill out a form beforehand, and then you will need to bring proof of employment to your appointment (employee ID card, letter from your employer, recent pay stub). Details: https://hca-nys.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/doh-covid-vaccine-form-instructions.pdf 12/
When will pharmacies start covid vaccination in their stores?
* Expected in a few weeks that some mid- and large-sized chain pharmacies will start offering out of their stores. But this will still only be for those in group 1A. 13/
How can I sign up for NYC’s Medical Volunteer Corps?
* If you're a health professional or student in a health career program, you can sign up at link below to volunteer. It's expected that MVC volunteers will play an important role at vaccination sites. https://www1.nyc.gov/site/doh/providers/emergency-prep/nyc-medical-reserve-corps.page 14/
Now that vaccination is underway, is risk of covid spread less?
* Covid remains a serious & mounting threat in NYC. It will be many months before the level of vaccination leads to herd immunity. In meantime it is critical that everyone take precautions to stop the spread. 15/15
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