toxic random haikyuu characters headcannons (i’m sorry 🥲)

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#haikyuutexts #haikyuuthread #haikyuuthreads #haikyuutothetop
disclaimer: these are not mine!
oikawa tooru - after you break up he would act like u didn’t mean anything to him even though u meant the world to him to make himself look better
- verly critical. He projects his insecurities onto you and says the worst things when he’s mad or irritated. He calls you ugly and destroyed whatever self-confidence you once had before you started dating.
- can’t imagine changing his routine to fit someone else in, lover or not. if they don’t fall into sync with him, they just aren’t meant to be. why should he change the time he goes to the gym – shouldn’t you just get up earlier if you want to eat breakfast with him?
- he hates it when you hang out with guys because he knows they’ll try to hit on you. but why are you getting on his ass about hanging out with a few girls? he was just talking with them.
- hangs out and gets too friendly with other people (and his fans) … if you bring it up, he’ll just say you’re making it too big of a deal and that you’re “sensitive” and “overly jealous”…basically putting the blame on you
suna rintaro - will threaten to take away the “gifts” he’s given you when you don’t do what he says…that bracelet he got you for your birthday? he claims he can take it back whenever he wants
- he always leaves visible hickeys high on your neck because he thinks it’s amusing when you have to cover them up with makup in the morning
- When you argue in the car he will start going EXTREMELY fast and stay dead silent and blast music. Until you are crying and begging for him to stop
- After you break up he will talk to other girls then ask to get back together if you decline he will act the most petty person to you.
- he gets turned on by watching you cry when you’re sad, so instead of comforting you he gets distracted making you think he doesn’t care
akaashi keiji - king of ghosting, apologizing, making you feel really special and that he changed, but he ghosts again cause “you’re not in a relationship”
- He won’t show affection to you in front of people and if you try to do something in public he’d say something really mean and walk/push you away
- he’d be the type to expect you to immediately understand changes in his mood through the minute changes of his daily routine
- akaashi would rant to you about his insecurities, but when you would to him, he would get upset and say he has it worse.
- constantly makes fun of you with his friend in a group chat you’re also in but on private messages he apologizes then goes back to making fun of you
sugawara koushi (🥲) - he wound the respect you decisions and make them for you, like if you say you wanna hang out with friends he will call them personally and they’ll them you changed your mind
suga gets really touchy with other girls and acts v innocent and pretends like he did no such thing BSJND
He doesn’t just ask you not to be friends with people he slowly and meticulously pushes everyone out of your life. It’s so subtle you don’t notice 
- he woukd maniulate you until you completely rely on him and if you disgree he will not talk to you for a week
tanaka ryu - the type of guy to start an argument about you talking to other guys and he’d say something like “i made a mistake dating you instead of kiyoko”
- he constantly compares you to kiyoko, and whenever you try to talk to him about all the attention he gives kiyoko instead of you he plays the victim
- He’s way too overprotective when it comes to other guys especially Nishinoya. You don’t even have any guy friends because he scares them all away.
- He would always be staring at kiyoko and dosent care if u start to feel upset but when u glance at somebody on his team he starts to get angry
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