EVERY person in healthcare needs to advocate for:
1) Vaccinating undocumented immigrants

2) Vaccinating prisons

3) Vaccinating ICE detainees

4) Vaccinating large group home settings.

UNDOCUMENTED immigrants are not just able to “get a vaccine”. Varies by state!
NEBRASKA refusing vaccines for undocumented meat plant workers. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9112633/amp/Undocumented-workers-Nebraska-meat-plants-NOT-COVID-vaccines.html

COLORADO has placed inmates at LESS of a priority for vaccine and does not have them in group. https://coloradosun.com/2020/12/02/colorad-coronavirus-vaccine-polis-prisoners/
We know that close quarters working conditions (prisons, meat plants, long term care facilities, college dorms) are biggest ways covid is spreading and lead to massive outbreaks.

Vaccinate prisons & meat plants

Seriously, FAILURE TO ADVOCATE will result in even more vaccine hesitancy in these groups. I am serious. This needs to be handled as soon as possible. Undocumented workers need to be GUARANTEED right to receive vaccine like everyone else w/o consequence.
It is impossible to gain any sense of herd immunity when we are restricting very high risk workers (based on their job) from the vaccine.

I do NOT care what your politics are. I care about the science behind why WE MUST vaccinate meat plant workers, inmates, ICE detainees.
I am not saying we have to prioritize 1a or something, it is not my job to know who is prioritized when.

I am BEGGING people to consider how/if undocumented workers will be vaccinated, ensuring their state has some type of plan for inmates, etc.

Do NOT take this for granted.
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