@senatemajldr @ChuckGrassley @SenateGOP @GOPLeader @HouseGOP I am a 50 yr old wife, mother & lifelong GOP voter who never skips voting & always votes straight GOP. In short, a nobody who you have been able to count on for over 30 years. /1
I'm not an activist. I live too far to have made the trip to DC given my current circumstances, but my spirit is with every single Patriot who is fighting, not only for Trump, but for this republic this week. There are millions of others in your base who are just like me. /2
We have all followed the hearings in various contested states, we've read the presentations, listened to the witnesses, and watched with our own eyes what happened on November 3 and the days that followed./3
There is ZERO CHANCE that the "certified" electors in the contested states are legitimate, accurate, or constitutionally acceptable. ZERO. /4
If you refuse to acknowledge this, if you look the other way, believing that there will always be another election, I promise you, there will never be another free election.We have seen this movie before, safely, and perhaps smugly from the comfort of our "exceptional" nation/5
This movie has played out over and over again in countries accross the globe. Places where people escaped by the millions to seek a better life here in America. You know all the regimes: Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, North Korea, China among the most notable. /6
You speak about the virtues and blessings of America. Rightly so. You remind us often that it is our system of government, our great founding documents, and our love and commitment to our founding principles that separate us from these oppressive regimes. And that is true. /7
Those words are easy to say when all is operating as intended. But those words are just words unless people in a position to ensure those words remain true at this moment, do what is hard, in this moment, to keep those truths for future generations./8
And you are the very people charged with the DUTY, at this moment, to ensure the promise of those words for me, for my children, for your children, for every single American, and for future Americans. This isn't just about @realDonaldTrump, it is about the future of a nation./9
It is about the consent of the governed & the faith of the people in their elections. If you choose to avoid what is difficult, but necessary, in order to take the easy path, you will violate your oaths of office, and will do permanent, perhaps irreversible, damage to America/10
However, be assured, if you fail at this most precious moment in our history to stop this steal because you have animus towards the POTUS, or because you are afraid of the mob, or because you think we will all just move on, you will be making a terrible and dangerous mistake. /11
DO NOT DOUBT that America will be defended until the last of those who love her is no longer able to fight. As someone who has more of life behind her then ahead, I have lived long enough to know when a betrayal will be so aggregious that it will inspire a powerful response. /12
Tomorrow will be a day of choosing for all of us. Some of us will choose to defend free and fair elections, some of us will choose to condemn the constitution, and the memory of her authors, to the discard pile of a failed experiment. And some of us .../13
SOME OF US will choose to risk everything in the coming weeks, months, or years (as long as there remains breath in the lungs of the last Patriot) to fight those who have betrayed our consent, in order to form a new government rooted in the principles of the American founding./14
This is not a threat of a careless, misguided revolutionary, but rather, the promise of millions of reluctant revolutionaries who SIMPLY CANNOT ABIDE the usurpation of our country by enemies both foreign AND DOMESTIC. /15
The time for choosing, being just hours away, I fall to my knees and pray that God will grant you the courage and the unencumbered strength to do what is right and necessary to avoid a terrible injustice, that if not averted, will lead us into a very dark period in history./16
I am prepared for what ever may come tomorrow. Are you? I have resolved to do my part to defend America for my children and my grandchildren. Have you? May God protect this nation, and may He unleash His vengeance on all who seek her destruction. /End
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