dralex; The reported incidence of seasonal influenza has been uncharacteristically low in the southern hemisphere so far. Coinfection with multiple respiratory viruses is possible. The reason for this is unclear. It may be that the case load simply appears lower >
> because of insufficient testing and reporting, or that the social distancing meausres put in place to help stop the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 have reduced the transmission of influenza virus as well. Whether either virus causes viral interference (competitively suppresses >
> replication of the other virus) or modulates disease severity is of great interest. Because SARS-CoV-2 and influenza virus both infect cells of respiratory tract, they might have to compete for resources (including cells to infect) during coinfection. https://asm.org/Articles/2020/July/COVID-19-and-the-Flu
dralex: In short, folks, COVID deniers' claims that death figures for COVID have been massaged to include other flu deaths which 'have miraculously disappeared' ACTUALLY TELLS YOU just quite how successful COVID has been. & the Big rollout of flu vaccine this year couldve helped.
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