Reading about 𒀯𒋦𒈧𒄩 or Mul Suḫur-Māš-Ku (The Goat-Fish) constellation in Gavin White's "Babylonian Star Lore".

It's helping me deepen what I think I know about Deneb Algedi's symbolism as a fixed star in the tail of the Capricornus constellation: namely its watery quale.
When I was learning about gemstone correspondences for Deneb Algedi, Christopher Warnock named its rulership with chalcedony in brown shades. But, I was deeply drawn to blue chalcedony. Luckily I found a raw piece which looked, to me, like a sea-goat in an 11th c. manuscript.
Ever since this find in 2019, I have become enamoured with blue chalcedony. It was not a sudden love affair. It was slow and gradual. But I look upon my West Anatolian and Namibian pieces with genuine affection today. Madagascan examples are coloured like the foam of a cold sea.
But it's the soft blue-grey transparency of the Turkish variety that captures that feeling of nourishing cooling waters for me.

In Babylonian cosmology, Gavin White says the Goatfish symbolises "the embryonic sun of winter when it inhabits the cosmic waters of the Abyss."
Chalcedony's historic lapidary symbols include overcoming shipwrecks; retaining faith; humility; kindness; serving with discretion; increasing wealth; eloquence.

Contemporary correspondances include calmness; healing of remembrances; counselling and therapeutic communication.
I find it curious that much of the language used when assigning meaning to this gemstone evokes that of affect, of feeling, of emotion. There is an inherent wateriness imbued within the meaning of chalcedony over time and cultures.
As Deneb Algedi is the fixed star which represents the tail of the mythic goat-fish, in my mind's eye, I see that it would be submerged and of Abzu, the fertilising fresh waters and realm of the Sumerian god Enki.

One could say, the tail propels/guides one through such waters.
As we can see above, a detail from "The Enthroned Enki" (B.M. 103232) in The British Museum, the Sumerian god Enki is sitting upon a throne with waters which flow from him. There is a goat-fish figure at his feet flowing out of him too: the tail directly under the god.
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