I'm going to age myself, but it's cool--I've earned my silver stripe. (Literally, one silver stripe!🤪)

Sesame Street first aired Nov 10, 1969. I'd just turned 4, which makes me first-batch for this experiment. I believe my generation (X) rejects the Left's attempts b/c (Thread) https://twitter.com/PaulCHanson1/status/1346570069636071424
the Baby Boomer generation, who sold us out to NWO, were so impressed with themselves for creating the propaganda they ended up indoctrinating themselves! We were also "Latch Key", which means we were left to fend for ourselves, while our Boomer parents pursued...
their career or "lifestyle" aspirations. During that time, we were less interested in TV and still interested in reading and playing outside. The same generation that started this "programming" has perfected it with cable TV, Netflix, social media. Enhanced it with medication,
(Schedule C and elicit drugs, specifically) vaccines, or diets that alter brain chemistry and/or hormones. As a parting gift, or shot depending on POV, the same generation is simultaneously destroying what failed them (American values) and setting up/passing the torch in favor of
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