Thread: 1 of many! Re: Irish Fashy #Parler

At an unspecified time last year I signed up to the far-right social media platform Parler, to have a little peak at what Irish racists were up to behind the curtain. Expecting a joyful Nazi meadow of Freidenker, I was disappointed...
2/ Everyone was toiling, sharing the same old bollocks they used to on Twitter, but with no traction, most of the following Irish accounts gave up quickly, an average of maybe 10 Parlys (Tweets) over 6 months.3
3/ Here's a brief description of Parler in the screenshots below, note it was launched as an alternative platform to Twitter to promote 'free speech', yet actively removes any accounts deemed to be 'left-wing', wait...what?
4/ Ok, let's get into our old 'friends' now, most of whom have been banned from Twitter for every category of hate speech under the sun, as well as knowingly spreading misinformation and bullying minorities (mostly female) in coordinated attacks.
5/ We'll start with The National Party dregs, yapping corgis sent online by HauptFührer Justin Barrett.

Critiqued101: aka Paul O'Neill from Edenderry. Paul makes low-res videos in his bedroom & regularly encounters tech issues. Here he is interviewing the ghost of Eva Braun.
6/ Our old friend Mick 'Chopper' O'Keeffe from Waterford, Justin Barrett's Chief Grunt. The platform is just not for him though, narcissists can't survive without the oxygen of attention. He did make me cry laughing with his bio description though 'Independent Irish Journalist'🤣
7/ 'Define satire', yes, you guessed it! It's the winner of the Irish Twitter Himbo Award 3 years running, Michael O'Connell, aka SatSoldr, who returned to Twitter in the last 48hrs (see below) turns out the fash are addicted to Marxist platforms. He & Tracey ❤ Barrett so HaRd.
8/ Proud anti-Semite & devoted Trad Catholic (hand in hand forever) Prof. Honkelberg is one of the few who actually seems to enjoy Parler, pretty active to be fair. Good hot takes like 'using contraception is worse than wearing a mask' & accurately predicting Sinn Féin's demise🤡
9/ Along with Prof. Honkelberg, most of Justin Barrett's posts were too obscene to share here. Justin likes to 'orate', just like he did with his Tweets, grandiose romantic visions of Ireland, drowning in the wet blood of fallen Patriots or something. Also, he has 'feelings' 😔
10/ You thought I'd left her out, didn't you?! Gemma is extremely active on Parler & *hilarious*. From Garda cyber attacks on her website, to the usual Soros, vaxx, 5G insanity, Gemma hasn't changed at all. Enjoy the photo of her below with award from GlaxoSmith Big Pharma btw 😉
11/ To conclude, whilst Parler has been a major damp squib for Irish racists from The National Party who max have 300 followers, Gemma has accumulated 16k, a third of her Twitter audience in a very small period of time. It's by far more popular with the US far-right, and growing.
11/ OMG I totally forgot about the best thing I saw on Parler! The Keith Woods parody account 🤣🤣 Low output, but high entertainment! Enjoy...
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