Interesting to look at pre- and early covid epidemiology lit. If you could show them our world now they'd probably be most surprised by the relative absence of stigma, panic, social unrest or even rioting, all of which were expected to be major issues for pandemic response
There were huge reservations about quarantine/lockdowns, partly because they expected it to cause stigma for anyone subject to restrictions: social rejection, property damage or even vigilante attacks were anticipated based on surveys from smaller outbreaks like SARS
Even as late as the end of February 2020, the head of the WHO was saying that "our greatest enemy right now is not the coronavirus itself. It’s fear, rumours and stigma"
In this BBC doc from the 23rd Jan, a panel of epi experts thought a lockdown in a Western country would induce rioting at such a scale that so many people would become infected *while rioting* that it would lead to more infections than no lockdown at all
The expected violent resistance or at least counter productive resistance never really materialised. From January 25: "Unprecedented Chinese quarantine could backfire, experts say"
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