Before the snow, the gas company started digging a hole in front of my home. We are a few years into gas line replacement for the entire neighborhood, so this isn't unusual. What is interesting to me is...
The hole they are digging was paved nine days earlier. That is also interesting because...
The week before that they were also digging the same hole. That's also interesting because...
The week before that they were paving the same hole. That's also interesting because...
They had just dug the hole earlier in the same day. Which is interesting because...
They appeared to dig the same hole three days prior. Which is interesting because...
The reason they had to dig the hole again was because it had been filled a couple weeks before. Of course...
This hole they were filling was dug a week prior to that. They had to dig this hole because...
They had filled the hole a couple weeks before that in October...
That was not the only time they dug and filled the same hole in October.
The hole they were filling and refilling in October was recently expanded to insert these contraptions. It was only the week before this...
That the hole had been filled in and dug again. You can see the layers and layers of patches even months ago. September was busy in general. The week before this...
They dug and filled the hole a few times. You can see all the patches. The week before this...
They dug and filled the hole a few times. I didn't start documenting until the fall, and there were some quiet months, but the digging and filling of the same hole goes back all the way to Fall 2019...
Here are the holes in November 2019...
Here's the first photo I could find in October 2019. That's 15 months of digging and filling the same hole. Each time with jackhammers, concrete saws, and rumbling plates...
The road surface is cracked and broken everywhere on the block. The constant jackhammers have also caused some structural damage to adjacent buildings. It's the same story for the whole neighborhood.

But mostly I'm curious why they the dig and fill the same hole over and over!
@marenmorefield captured this one I missed from August, complete with our work from home soundtrack.
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