Having spent several years presenting clients in NI, IE, GB & the EU with different post-Brexit trading scenarios to plan for, I can say without hesitation that none provided anything comparable to EU membership in terms of the accessibility for cross-border trade. (1)
Each scenario had its limitations & difficulties; some more so than others, but in each there was always a trade-off compared to what went before.
The NI Protocol, with all its faults clearly recognised, at least presented traders on the island of Ireland, with some certainty (2)
Even with that certainty, in early December - with only a matter of weeks until the end of the transition period - due to the planned actions of the UK government (clauses in an Internal Market Bill and Finance Bill) we couldn't say for certain that the Protocol would survive (3)
The announcement of agreement in principle and subsequent Command Paper w/c 08/12/20 allayed these fears BUT it also meant that traders had less than 3 WEEKS to get ready - with ither essential information only released week before Christmas. (4)
Okay, we had the Trader Support Service and there was some grace periods introduced around EHCs as well as announcements about self-certification for internal UK traders - removing tariffs - BUT the fundamental problem remained, BUSINESSES WERE JUST NOT READY! (5)
Not unsurprising, when they had the small matter of a global pandemic to deal with! Add to that the mixed messages from politicians both at home and in Westminister telling them that nothing was going to change but at the same time they needed to get prepared #StayInButGoOut (6)
Never has that lack of preparation been so evident than now. Suppliers in GB even less prepared than here in NI for the new obligations under the Protocol. A preferential trade deal sold as a final solution when anyone who has read it, knows it's the start of a process.(7)
Do you remember when the transition period was also known as an implementation period? Do you remember when it's purpose was meant to be to allow businesses & people TIME to get PREPARED for the new relationship? But then we couldn't call it an implementation period anymore! (8)
How can you get ready for what was unknown? How can you plan to implement something signed mere days before Brexit? An implementation period was the LEAST we deserved. Forget about Grace Periods for certain products or certificates; we needed a full 12 months to get ready (9)
I have had clients tell me in recent days that Brexit is not only impacting their businesses but their mental health. They can't sleep because of it. A man-made problem slap bang in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic! (10)
Despite being bed-bound after testing positive for Covid on Sunday, I felt compelled to write this. Why? Because I want our businesses to know that we support them. We recognise that because of the lack of guidance and time to get ready, frankly, you've been sold a pup. (11)
BUT, there are groups out there working to make your views/concerns/fears heard.
I'm engaging with them on my clients behalf as much as I can.
And I believe that behind the soundbites, they are hearing us.
It could be much better, but remember, it could be much worse (12)
I encourage businesses to seek support from the different organisations that are offering Brexit guidance. Engage with your chamber of trade body. If there isn't already a collective that represents your interests , look at forming one.c
If we can help.or.signpost, we will (13)
The one thing you can't do is give up!
No one should try and work through this alone.
Let's not trivialise it; Brexit will change how many of us do business.
(14 Ends)
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