Teachers fighting for in person time with their students - I get it.

The time I spend in person with my students is precious AND that's why I don't believe it's on me, from my particular place & position, to tell other communities what to do.

I don't know a single teacher...
... who prefers remote learning over in person. (Granted, I don't know every teacher in the world, but I can't imagine there are many who WANT to be remote).

What teachers are asking for are safe conditions for themselves, their students, and their communities.
I also hear teachers asking to shut down in order to guarantee a return, in order to protect physical health.

Yes, I've seen the data & heard that schools "can open safely" AND that argument doesn't come without conditions, conditions that many schools simply cannot meet.
When an educator says, "I don't feel safe going back," that's their truth. To say, "here is all of the reasons why you're safe" is to negate that truth.

At a time when states are no longer prioritizing educators for vaccines & with a new strand that is potentially devastating...
... with crumbling infrastructure & shrinking budgets, I believe educators are doing all they can to try to meet the needs of their students & communities (so often above their own needs).

This is about getting through a pandemic & saving as many lives as we can in the process.
No, vitamin D won't save you, but limiting contact might.

Sending love to educator friends teaching in alllll kinds of ways & doing all they can. đź’›
👆🏻 also, for the sake of clarity, the above is a subtweet.

Please, do take your vitamins đź’›
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