As a former „two schools under one roof“ student, I have suffered from segregated school system.

What @Andric1961 is advocating here is the same segregation pushed by HDZ and SDA nationalists.

In this 🧵, I will show why this approach is not only wrong, but also dangerous. 1/13
Now, there are 56 segregated schools across three cantons in 🇧🇦.

Since the early 2000s, these institutions have been used as boot camps made to train new nationalistic voters.

I attended such school in #Jajce. It never had anything to do with protecting "minority rights". 2/13
Segregated schools benefit nationalists‘ aspirations to stay in power.

Advocating for students to learn „their own“ language, history, geography often serves as a curtain for establishing new "two schools under one roof", employing loyal party members, and teaching hate. 3/13
. @Andric1961 claims segregated schools protect minority rights. Wrong!

In Jajce, where Bosniaks are in majority, Bosniak nationalist SDA - supported by Croat nationalist HDZ - attempted to segregate high schools.

It was a student uprising that prevented them in doing so. 4/13
Today, Bosniak and Croat students in Jajce attend the same school AND learn “their own” literature, history, geography.

They attend the first 9 years of primary education (until the age of 15) segregated, attending classes only with their peers of the same ethnic group. 5/13
Thanks to Jajce student uprising, the local high schools have remained integrated, and all students attend classes together.

The exception are courses from the so-called “ethnic group of subjects”: Bosnian/Croat literature, Islamic/Catholic religion, history, geography. 6/13
During those classes, students go to separate classrooms, depending on which ethnic group they belong to. See, no need for segregation! 😉

Exactly those classes were the formal reason for nationalists to invoke “national interests” and demand another segregated school. 7/13
I was part of an activist group that prevented school segregation in Jajce, and will not allow @andric1961 to school me on my own experience that has shaped me into who I am today.

I dream of democratic, prosperous, and liberal 🇧🇦.Segregated schools will not bring us there. 12/
Students, activists, progressive politicians, and even religious institutions have already opposed the “two schools under one roof”.

HDZ and SDA nationalists have been left alone on the opposite side of the “battleground”.

I urge @Andric1961 to refrain from joining them. 13/13
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