If you are reading this post, and follow me on twitter then congratulations, think it not or like it or not, you are a radical.

What does this mean? Why should this matter? And how do the words we use betray us?

I have spoken before on how the answer to the ills of post-modernism is what I would dub thee, hyper-modernism. As you all should be aware, the epochs of man do not yield to the meager invocations of man, and as such, you cannot truly 'accelerate' anything.
While you might think to yourself that you are not radical, your ideas are traditional, but radical is radical through context, and in granda schematica you ARE a radical, a very dangerous one too, and one that would worry many "people" if they adopted post-modern rhetoric.
English is the global language, sure we're getting out paced by China, but as it stands the politically active world has its tendrils within our God bespoken tongue, so what does this mean for us? It means those that wish to reframe our worldly understanding have an easy job.
From simple but still nefarious changes as turning the word gender from a grammatical concept to a Red vs Blue blood gulch of people arguing whether or not the word is synonymous with sex, or if it is a social construct, with neither side remembering its grammatical origin 30ya.
When a new word enters the lexicon, it reshapes our entire perception, and with the internet and especially mass media, this allows our entire perception of words to be framed, shaped, and understood through the guise and context of mass media.
There are words and concepts who you or the average person only on the well above median average know through pop culture, their entire understanding of these words is not through etymology, or historical precedence, just their own little world, and they believe THIS is correct.
This presents an issue doesn't it? Many people on the so-called 'Right' who haven't fully drank the kool-aid have noticed this with some of the newspeak presented by the 'Left', but this is not just a modern phenomenon, this has been going on since the Norman invasions
And it is these Norman Invasions that has inserted a virile payload into our language, that presupposed unsuspecting native speakers into associating words of Latin origin to be more prim, proper, and sophisticated, but not just that, more SCIENTIFIC.
By unloading the ills of Latin rationalism and lawyerdom and permeating our very tongue and way of live to the point that our systems of governance could not work without these specific words, our institutions have had a spell upon them put, and we are not the better off for it!
So what is a native borne speaker to do? What is one to do when the welsh of the world with ill repute look feels and caterpillar lashes sourly denigrate your language, and contribute to one of histories greatest campaigns of revisionism? You do the same back to them.
Post-modernism has told us that truth does not matter, well it does, but only for those opposed to post-modernism. You see, the beauty of post-modernism as a rhetorical device, is that it allows the wielder to tear down anyone who believes in ANYTHING, with no harm to the self.
You must take advantage of it, those reptilian acolytes in business suites and pantdresses have been doing it, and long before Saul Alinsky ever walked into town, but surely that did not help. You must redefine words, argue over their meanings, reframe perceptions.
The post-modernist rhetoric only made headways into the modernist narrative by deconstructing it, the modernist narrative, while similar to post-modernism, was still not the perfect UN Approved society, it was far too accurate, rational, and too focused on ideas of 'freedom'.
Modernism is what gave us the 50s, Pax Americana for many. It was not good, but for the time period it was, make no mistake, and thus it must be destroyed, Modernia was never to come, only Post-Modernia, and they would make sure of it
Think back to the Gender being associated with either biological sex or whether or not you like feminine or masculine things wholly and entirely disjointed from its grammatical origins, a facet of our language we had lost many many MANY hundreds of years ago
This was the start, and it won by redefining and reframing everything. This is a social construct, that thing you just said? Its a spook. It doesn't exist. What do you MEAN you believe in something you can't see, isn't that a bit... IRRATIONAL? Do you have a source for that?
The status quo has won, post-modernism has won, there is no rational argument for modernism, the entire frame of reference has changed, the entire visual and literary memory of people alive now is astronomically different from people just 50 years ago.
You MUST bombastically redefine things, you must understand this is where the NSDAP excelled. Propaganda. It has such a dirty word, but what are most people, if not susceptible to propaganda. Memes are propaganda, when is the last time you posted or viewed a meme?
There is simply no other option here, you must spearhead culture, you must become a revisionist, you must understand yourself as a radical, you must learn the rules for radicalism, because you dear reader are a radical, and for this you are awarded constant suppression, congrats!
When you see The Other posting newspeak, do not try to rationally correct them, do not own them with facts and logic, because both sides of that ballcourt have been co-opped long ago, you MUST go outside the court, you must free yourself from these chains.
You must learn to debate, you must learn to abandon rational debate, you must understand arguing and debate as a spectacle, you are not tasked with the intention of proving your opponent wrong, you are tasked with laughing at them, and having fun.
You do not win by being a prim stick up your ass McGee, it does not work, you win by having fun, you win by aggressively pushing your cosmology, you win by not arguing with facts and logic, but with charisma, brute force, and unorthodoxy which attracts those like-minded radicals!
Never let anyone tell you that arguing online in a public sphere is a waste of time, if you do not value the propagation of your ideas, and your revisions, and your reframing then sure, go ahead I suppose, be a little pussy, other people will do it for you, and not people U like.
You must be a radical
You must be a revisionist
You must have fun
You must both idealise and pragmatise
You must be aggressive
You must hone your rhetoric
You must abandon all notions of polite etiquette

Truth is beauty, if your worldview is beautiful, folk will come.
Truth is self-fulfilling, one must foster beauty, if one searches for truth in spite of beauty he will never find truth.
I am not so much sure if this thread was interesting, but at the very least it should sufficiently explain why it is I waste time arguing over semantics that I myself have invented while other times tear down other's post-modern semantics, this is my my philosophy on propaganda.
I also believe this is why the list of top 100 editors to Wikipedia need be summarily lined up against a sandstone wall in an crisp, arid, Arabian desert.

(And replaced with our guys)
We must build our own Ministry of Truth from the ground up, stone by stone.
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