Colonialism vs Neocolonialism a short thread:
When Nkrumah coined and wrote Neocolonialism it was 1965 and spoke to the evolving of former colonial powers specific to Africa and the perversion of European powers.

Nkrumah called this "more dangerous" than colonialism..
Nkrumah posited this was the last stage of Imperialism by granting illusion of independence yet keeping African countries dependent on their former colonial masters by way of banking, currency, agriculture, commerce... in other words the lifeblood of a nation
For those that wanted to revolt against such as system the colonial power would provide the newly independent African leader with the weapons to crush an insurrection. If that didn't work then the colonial power will put boots on the ground in the name of law and order
The benefit to the leadership is money and access to become willfully agents of the colonial state. And their were often agents of the state left behind to ensure the African traitors would stick to the plan.

Since then this model has evolved into the number one modus operandi
No longer is neocolonisation limited to former colonial powers. It is an economic model that all "superpowers" now use on the global south US, Australia, Canada, China.

How can one be a neocoloniser without colonizing?

Glad you asked...
The primary tools of neocolonizers are unconscionable or unilateral contracts this is a one sided contract favoring the party with the most leverage. In this case, it's the one with the biggest guns.

This type of contract is used in infrastructure, banking, agriculture, commerce
The subtlety as Nkrumah labels it comes from the fact that I don't have to point nor use my gun so long as you do what I want.
In the streets we call this extortion.

What is the "gun" of countries like the US and China besides having the largest armies in the world?
Economic power- IMF, World Bank are US guns. The AIIB is China's gun--which is twice as big as the IMF and World Bank combined by the way.

What is the consequence of failing to agree to neocolonizer's terms- DEBT AND AUSTERITY.

Also known as Imperialism.

The end.
Crise! Texting fast without proofing is a terrible mix.

Please excuse the horrendous amount of grammatical errors 😫😫😫😫
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