Is the *left's* position that the only way to change hearts & minds is to knock millions of doors & have 30 min conversations with each person abt Medicare for All? Or might high profile events that draw attention to the failure of our healthcare system in this moment be helpful?
Organizing is important. But Biden didn't knock doors or even have field offices in many key states until late in the game. What he did have was the total support of the corporate media, & a solid narrative for them to push: "I am the only one who can beat Trump."
Biden also had the support of every corporate interest group in the country.

It's hard to compete with that. But it given how much bipartisan distain for this type of behavior there is, you can endeavor to make taking this money politically toxic.
All I'm asking is for progressives to consider that organizing goals can be *supported* by media stunts which draw attention to the fact that corporate money influences our politicians more than the needs or preferences of their constituents. A hearing on #M4All could do that.
It is a *huge* problem that even our best fighters in congress rarely turn the spotlight on members of their own party. Democrats have the House. If Medicare for All can't pass the House it's the fault of Democrats. We might win the Senate. There's no more blaming Trump.
Part of the reason Dems don't talk more about corruption is bc they're complicit. They didn't impeach Trump on corruption because it opens the door to their hypocrisy. The 2019 healthcare hearings didn't touch the issue of healthcare industry donations.
When I talk about an accountability crisis, this is what I mean. Democrats won't hold Republican's accountable. Progressives are unwilling to hold corporate Dems accountable. And the corporate media is unwilling to hold anyone accountable.
I would *love* to see the squad not just tweeting "we should have Medicare for All." Or "student debt cancellation is good." I want to see "It is unethical for Joe Biden to prop up the private healthcare industry as 15 million Americans have lost their health insurance."
I would *love* to quote tweet Biden's claim that he doesn't have the power to cancel all student debt, or to call for a national database on police misconduct with a simple: "yes he can."
#forcethevote wasn't the be all end all, of course. But it is emblematic of an of even our best politicians to offer critique outside of a partisan framework. And as long as we're wedded to the "at least Democrats are better" narrative we'll get nowhere as a country.
emblematic of the failure of even*
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