“I made my living for a long time as a broker, but – this is where the curiosity part comes in – I had a lot of exposure to many of the great businesses in the area like Marriott & Geico...”
“... and I also had a lot of leeway to study for the first time and think about what makes a great investment and what makes a great investor.” Chuck Akre

Latest VII ... http://valueinvestorinsight.com 
“So as for advice, curiosity is huge. I’m also a big believer in the old expression, “The harder I work, the luckier I get.” For me it just emphasizes the notion that this is all a journey and more will be revealed as you go along.” Chuck Akre
[I’ve been] been a student of Buffett/Munger for a long time – my first BRK meeting was c1980 & I’ve missed only a couple since. Their willingness to share their thought process has been hugely valuable to me over the yrs & there’s a simplicity to what they do & what we try to do
"Our basic premise is that we want to buy at a price where we reasonably expect as shareholders to earn the same rate of return that the company earns on its capital. It’s a mindset. We don’t care about the consensus." Chuck Akre
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