CallMeCarson has a game on his Steam log called Pregnancy. Pregnancy is a game about a 14 yr old girl in Hungary where she is raped and gets pregnant and is looking for advice on her future pregnancy

He has clocked in 107 hours for a game you can beat in 40 minutes approximately
This isn't bullshit btw

This is literally his Steam account that he uses for his streams

It was first reported from the r/CallMeCarson group but unfortunately I was late to post the nk as they have shut down after the allegations news came to light

my English really comes in handy, huh?
I'm only praying that he accidentally left it on the background running with the hours clocking away, but you never know what the outcome could be for the current situation atm
But then again, if he were to leave it on for the lols and funny points, then i don't really see how a "joke" like this is considered funny tbh :/
The outcome is really up to grabs at this point so I'll let y'all decide this one out since it's likely between those 2

Alright that is all from me
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