What I find most fascinating - and revealing - about @CharlieAngusNDP's statement here is the complete lack of curiosity. B'nai Brith told him that he spread antisemitic misinformation. Never mind, for now, the accusation of charge of antisemitism, let's focus on "misinformation" https://twitter.com/TheCJN/status/1346556512618078209
From @CharlieAngusNDP: "If B’nai Brith objects to the tone or the facts presented by The Guardian article, the appropriate channel is to contact the editor of The Guardian." That is - he's not defending the Guardian piece; he's merely defending his choice to share it.
"I think the Guardian piece was fair and accurate" would be an argument and a statement of principle, whether or not one agrees with him. Better yet would be for @CharlieAngusNDP to outline why the criticism of the Guardian piece was unfounded or incorrect. He did neither.
In short, we have a member of parliament, @CharlieAngusNDP, whose response to "you are spreading misinformation that plays on bigoted & conspiratorial tropes" is "take it up with the people who published it." I wonder if that would fly if someone shared a Rebel link. I doubt it.
And, typo in the first tweet, of course
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