I deeply resent the progress being lost to the spread of postmodern leftism.

Where we could have been moving forward, we're instead rehashing once-settled concepts like the value of free speech.

It's an absolute waste.
Perhaps for those who don't know history, it's interesting to debate whether free speech is actually good.

For those whose knowledge of history expands past their own life, we know why you don't grant even a "good" government the power to silence its people.
Some people argue against regressive leftism because they know the ditches it will dig.

I respect their effort, but personally, I am fucking bored of debating whether or not to adopt failed ideas for the 100th time.
Our culture has become devastatingly boring.

We can't even agree on the definition of "woman," so all progress halts at this issue.

And that's where we are. Arguing over definitions instead of building a better society.
Instead of imagining a new and improved future for the society we have, postmodern leftism drags us back to the start, demanding we "deconstruct" (i.e. demolish) everything and prove why we built society this way to begin with.

We lose simply by wasting time in the argument.
The funny thing about postmodernism is its "monster escaped from the lab" element.

It was always philosophical, academic masturbation and never designed for functional use by everyday people in everyday life.

It cannot create, only critique—and there lies our culture today.
One of America's famous postmodern philosophers, Rorty, admitted the Enlightenment birthed a successful modern society and while "there is no truth, only preference," our preference worked.

Postmodern America has shirked the advice of its own postmodernist.
And here we are: renegotiating the definition of violence. Renegotiating whether the violence we can't agree to define is warranted against political opponents. Redefining "peaceful protest." Renegotiating the value of free speech.

The argument is the loss.
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