Some things to think about
Has the UK been sold to china?
Was Brexit REALLY about Europe getting rid of a Chinese owned Country, or China wanting its newly owned country out of Europe?
Is the 'transition period' really about transitioning over to Chinese Rule?
2/ Was Universal Credit (with sanctions)a precursor to UBI?
Will UBI come next after deliberately redistributing wealth?
Will UBI come with sanctions?
Will masks become the Norm (as it is in some Asian countries)
Why did the rich start selling off stocks &shares just before C19?
Why are organisations in the UK already talking about and setting up Chinese style social credit/value systems?
Why are major decisions that affect people's lives being dictated by communist supporters (SAGE) - Noone had heard of SAGE before March.
4/Y has Boris allowed nearly 3 mil Hong Kong citizens the right to live and work indefinitely in the UK (under fake caveats) given the Tory view of 'immigrants'
Y do multiple news sources state that the 'Chinese Communist Party have been actively ‘infiltrating the west’ for yrs
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