Anna said someone famous had "horny theater kid energy" but she is wrong because theater kids aren't actively horny, she's thinking of CHOIR kids
Choir kids have sex and are gross about it. Theater kids have heard of sex maybe
Theater kids LOVE to talk about sex but don't actually have it
Band kids probably have the most sex, and the ones who don't are very bitter about it
The theater kids who DO have sex are usually choir kids who tried out for the musical.
I was a theater kid AND a choir kid, and friends with a lot of band kids. This is what I saw.
My sister was an art kid, I think sex doesn't even come up if you're an art kid. Unless you're a photographer
My sister also went to a very Christian school, so that changes things. And when I went to arts boarding school, all bets were off
Anyway, I should have been clearer: Theater kids are horny but mostly just massage each other, theater kids who DO have sex are usually choir kids, choir kids and band kids have TONS of sex
But Anna doesn't know any of this because she went to a tiny Christian school where this stuff didn't apply, and she spent all her time making oil paintings and comics
But the theater kids I encountered in public school were basically Rocky Horror kids who talked a lot about sex but rarely had it. And if they did, it was with non-theater kids
Anyway these are all dumb generalizations and my sister is smarter and funnier than I am
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