Tomorrow, I will be voting in support of the objections being raised about results in some states where significant doubts remain about the process of awarding Electoral Votes. Failing to address this now, as it happens, could have ramifications on future elections. (1/x)
Supporting the Motion to Object is not about rejecting the electors, per se. It’s about challenging the process by which they became electors. Several states seemingly violated their own constitutions via rule making that was not sanctioned by the state legislatures…(2/x)
And, by extension, the US Constitution, as it vests the power of our elections to state legislatures, not an election commissioner, Secretary of State, judge, or even a Governor. This dilutes the votes of the citizenry in states like Arkansas - who have played by the rules (3/x)
The Constitution makes provisions for these challenges and both chambers of Congress have rules packages governing the implementation of such measures. Affording Congress this ability is more about debating questionable election processes than overturning entire elections. (4/x)
Similar challenges were raised against George W. Bush in 2001 and 2005, and the same challenge was raised against President Trump in 2017 - all without the slightest hint of indignation from the media or Democrat Members of Congress. I know many hate the President...(5/x)
Republicans included – and just want him gone. In many cases, that hatred has clouded their vision to the extent that his exit from office is all that matters. They’re willing to accept the means to that end, even if it requires looking the other way on how it was achieved.(6/x)
We should always endeavor to avoid disenfranchising voters - voting represents personal sovereignty in our Republic. No matter our personal feelings, we should respect the fact that the president is also entitled to the same consideration. (7/x)
My motivation is not based on any loyalty to a person/personality. It’s rooted in a loyalty to the U.S. Constitution which serves to ensure our personal sovereignty through our vote. And, this cycle, I’m motivated by a highly flawed electoral process across several states.(9/x)
It is my hope that some of this could lead to the involvement of SCOTUS so that future elections don’t see this type of election chicanery again. No matter the perpetrators, its wrong. Free and fair elections are worth fighting for, now and in the future. (end)
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