The Capital Markets of the United States require that every single financial transaction is archived and kept by each respective Broker Dealer in this nation for a certain number of years. All of this information goes through our various Exchanges and creates a Permanent Paper
Trail. This paper Trail can be downloaded by investors in the form of Historical Volume and Price points by the day, Minute, Second, or 1/million of a second. No joke. You can buy this data and analyze it. After reviewing various data sets across multiple states, there seems
to be an effort to keep it as "dirty" as possible. Dirty Data... to make it harder to analyze and allow people to just "throw their hands up" and say it's not my fault... the data is bad... this is pathetic and needs to change!
I just sent @LizHarrisMBA 19,222 names of
#PhantomSleeperVoters for AZ. I'm looking forward to the results. It should be interesting.
The @potus @realDonaldTrump
I do believe that if @LizHarrisMBA goes through that list with her army of volunteers, AZ should flip tomorrow.
On that note, I'm going to bed for 1-2 hours. I'm hitting a wall. I hope Liz has great news by the end of the day.
You can follow @BobbyPiton3.
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