The problem with Briahna Joy Gray's obsession with FTV is that you get the feeling, while listening to her lament the failure, that this is her first political fight.

She seems to have just realized that the left is up against a remarkably powerful capitalist class. Welcome.
2/ Maybe the lesson is that it's not a great idea to cook up a brilliant scheme in total isolation from the stake-holders and the organizations and unions that would be required to pull off intended brilliant scheme. >>
3/ Maybe this is a lesson that the left refuses to learn and FTV was yet another instance of magical thinking posing as strategy? What's next -- another general strike call authorized by a Twitch streamer?

This is literal nonsense. We can't keep kneecapping ourselves like this.
4/ I'm sorry but there is no shortcut to building power except to build power. Stop watching movies. Read your history. Support trade unions and truly democratic organizations. Immense suffering and moral outrage are not enough to move this monstrous system.
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