We've seen wars, lies, corruption, currency crashes, chaos, controversial elections, assassinations & innocent civilians getting shot or dying in earthquakes, floods, fires & stampedes. But the tragic story of #PS752 is different for us.
The youngest passengers of flight #PS752

“There were 12 children below the age of 10 and one infant on board. Eighteen passengers were between 10–20 years old.”


3 university professors/instructors
7 medical doctors/students
3 dentists
28 PhD students/graduates
1 doctor of veterinary medicine
1 pharmacist
25 master’s students/graduates


3 national science olympiad medalists
+73% graduates of Iran’s best schools
55% of the Iranian passengers: 21-40 years old
71% of them: 21-50 years old.
Nearly half of the 9 Iranian passengers in the 51–60 age group were medical doctors/dentists.
Most had left Iran for Canada after their undergraduate or first graduate degrees.
#GhanimatAzhdari, a determined environmental activist, was one of the #PS752 passengers.

Her Twitter account ( @GhanimatAzh) tells you how much she cared about indigenous communities & environmental defenders.

See this nice thread by @faisal_moola, Ghanimat’s PhD adviser. https://twitter.com/faisal_moola/status/1347503479351357443
You can follow @KavehMadani.
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