Zainabyun Brigade from Pakistan & Fatimiyun Brigade from Afghanistan are recruited by Iran, train them in Iran in guerilla warfare and use them as Irani proxies in Syria and Iraq against opponents of Iran. This adventure was brainchild of killed Irani General Sulaimani, he was...
...the mastermind. Pakistan warned him many a times, instead he issued statements against Pakistan and continued recruiting Pakistani youth as part of Zainabiyun Brigade. Pakistan must stop recruitment of Pakistani youth by Iran. CTD and intelligence agencies should arrest...
...them, finish this network and must not allow all those who are fighting in Syria and Iraq to come back.

What will be the reaction of Pakistan if Syrians and Iraqis start coming to Pakistan and fight here?
Iran recruit them by telling them that you'll protect religious sites in Syria and other places. But those from Zainabiyun brigade killed in Syria and Iraq were not even in 200 kms radius of any religious site.
Iran is playing a dirty game. Remember, Indian spy Kulbushan Jadev used to enter Pakistan from Iran. He stayed in Iran for long time.
Pakistan will defeat this menace too, InshaAllah.
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