We hit a massive milestone today..


To celebrate, I’m sharing one of my best threads yet

(Growing on Twitter: How it’s REALLY done)

1. Starting out


Everybody knows that starting out (with just about anything) is the hardest part by far..

- Little-to-no progress each day.
- Trying to determine what matters and what doesn’t

and constant questioning if you’re doing things the “right” way

When making the decision to start a Twitter account, understand these three things:

A.) You’re not going to get 100 followers per day at the start

B.) There are thousands of people trying to do the same thing

C.) You NEED to be unique
2. Being unique

When you have zero followers, the only thing you should care about is


Nobody wants to see another “Mind Muscle Money” account..

Change it up.

(Heres what you can do) 👇
Talk about your:

- Achievements
- What makes you credible
- Why people should follow YOU over somebody else

Run an agency doing $20,000/mth?

- Make that your brand

What can you help people with?

(and don’t say “make money online”, HOW do you help them make money online?)
When you have a large following, you gain credibility instantly.

Does that mean you’re always right?

HELL no.

But that’s just how people view you.

When you’re small, credibility must come from results, social proof, and achievements.
3. My best advice for growing at the beginning:

🔴 Find 8-15 people to start a group with

(They’ll need to be in similar follower size to your own if you want them to join)

Make sure they’re genuine individuals.

And support the hell out of each other’s content.
🔴 Start a swipe file

Spend a few hours going through your timeline and bookmarking tweets that have great engagement.

(I do this anytime I see a tweet that performed well)

After enough time, you’ll have a ton of high-performance tweets you can review for inspiration.

• Determine the “message” behind each tweet

• Write it down

• Then continue by writing tweets of your own with a similar message

(Don’t copy. Be yourself, but tweets perform well for a reason)
🔴 Make connections with big accounts

The fastest way to grow 0-1000 or 0-10k is by befriending the people who are already there & providing value to them.

(Here are a few examples) 👇
See someone writing an ebook?
- Offer to design their cover for free
- Do a module for them on something you’re good at

Offer to work for free.

Make them look good.

Make their product look good.

Accounts like myself NOTICE people. But you need to be consistent.
Now is the PERFECT time to connect with us too..

(and myself)

are hosting a 7-Day Twitter Consulting group for everyone who purchases “Create 24/7” here: http://gumroad.com/a/198440051 

You get:
- The #1 Twitter Growth Resource
- 24/7 Access to us for a week
In two months I went from 10,000 followers to now 20,000


Because Create 24/7 is a fucking amazing Twitter resource


Get yourself a copy and I GUARANTEE you’ll be happy with it.

Purchase it here: http://gumroad.com/a/198440051 

- The group starts Saturday

Moving on..

🔴 Tweet like you talk
(No one is going to read your content if you sound like a robot)

🔴 Be “Retweetable” in the comments
(When you’re small, you need to be commenting on big account’s tweets)

You don’t have an audience. So utilize the audience of others.

Being “Retweetable” in the comments means that you should be able to copy and paste your comment into a normal tweet and have nobody notice a thing.

Start doing this and big accounts will begin retweeting you.

🔴 Use proper formatting

Space out your sentences and make sure your tweets are digestible

Otherwise your engagement will suffer.

- List tweets
- One-liners
- Polarizing questions
- Quick, meaningful stories
- Threads packed with value

These are your templates for engagement.
🔵 Give to Receive

Guess what?

The more you Retweet others,
The more they Retweet you.

If you see a great tweet that YOUR audience will like, then Retweet it.


Don’t be “conservative” with your likes.

If you like a tweet... then LIKE it.
🔵 Create Superfans

Anytime you get a comment on your tweet, comment something MEANINGFUL back to them.

20 meaningful connection.

We remember the people who take time out of their days for us.

This is how you build a serious, cult-like following.

Give immense value.
Answer questions.
Help beginners.

These are the people who buy everything you sell

Who RT everything you put out

And show you endless love & support.

Build as many connections as you can.

@SalesNotepad is great at this.
And finally:

🟢 Don’t let yourself burnout.

There have been multiple days where I thought I was doing this all for nothing.

Couldn’t come up with high-performance tweets..

Felt lost and confused..


So I took the day off.

1-2 days off to recharge your batteries is much better than 1-2 weeks of burnout and feeling like shit.

This is a long game.

All that matters is you remain consistent over the long term.

Keep learning
Have fun with it
Write & reflect
The Twitter game is impossible to fail with the right information.

Apply what the experts teach, put your own twist on it, make a shit ton of connections.


Thank you for 20K ❤️

I haven’t even been doing this for 10 months yet and I am so thankful.

Thanks for reading

- TG
If you learned something,

Click this tweet and please give it a Retweet 👇

Thank you 🤝 https://twitter.com/askthegiver/status/1346534380861321217
Here are my daily follower gains this past week.

1.) Get this f***ing course: http://gumroad.com/a/198440051 

2.) Go through the content

3.) Get free access to our 7-day consulting group

Let me help you make this work.
Already have the course but still want in the group?

There’s a $19 admission fee.

DM me and I’ll get you in.
You can follow @AskTheGiver.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

Latest Threads Unrolled:

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