Am I doing Stoicism wrong?

Adopting a stoic mindset changed my life.

Not all for the better, though.

A visual thread...
Stoicism's positive impacts on me:

- Calmer under pressure.

- Accepting things for what they are + not casting judgment.

- As a result, making better decisions.

Part of me feels like Stoicism robs you of experiencing the extremes.

The focus is on just doing the work - regardless of what comes your way.

Adopting this attitude has transformed how I live.

But I have some issues...
To me, Stoicism can feel like a suppressant:

- The highs aren't as high

- The lows aren't as low
In my opinion:

Without the lows, we can't truly appreciate the highs (and vice versa).

I feel as though Stoicism robs me of this.
As a (bad) Stoic, I can recognise that Stoicism is not perfect.

On balance, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.

For that reason, I'll continue to improve my stoic practice.
So that begs the question:

Am I doing Stoicism wrong?

Have any of you experienced this?

I'd love to hear from you! - reply to this or send me a DM :)
Michael has hit the nail on the head here

I need to use it as a tool, not an operating system
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