A look at the relationship between China and Europe

Post Covid19, Sino-European relationship will continue to be normal and the US anti-China coalition will degenerate into a hollow slogan.

Anti-China coalition is impossible for the simple reason that every time one
2/ country has fallen out with another, economic opportunity presents itself for other countries, notwithstanding China's alleged "human rights abuses". Besides, all western countries know propaganda of the kind #Uighurgenocide are lies. To sacrifice
national interests,
3/ ie, jobs and social stability and prosperity in order to uphold propaganda lies, that doesn't seem to be worthwhile. Anglosphere propaganda increasingly doesn't serve EU interests.

So despite the US accusation of the Sino-European Investment Agreement of being
4/ anti-human rights, Europe went ahead and signed it relegating the human rights concern to its rightful place, ie, an excuse, a joke, a hoax.

China made significant concessions to Europe re. conditions of entry to its market for European goods, services and investments.
5/ Why shouldn't Europe take advantage of the US hostility towards China to negotiate a good deal for Europe?

Now conditions of entry to the China market are largely more favorable for Europe than America.

As a counterpart, the European market
6/ is also more open to China, especially in the area of new clean energy.

Such Agreement is signed shortly after the signing of RCEP. For Europe, gaining a foothold in China is gaining a foothold in the world's biggest trading zone of RCEP.
7/ RCEP and the Sino-European Agreement have consolidated Eurasia into a vast zone of human economic cooperation and exchange. This renders the US anti-China containment policy pretty much null and void.

As if taking cues from China, US has imposed tariffs on a series of
8/ European goods. Trump is digging a hole for Biden to prevent him from mending the relationship with Europe?

In these circumstances, it's impossible for the EU to further sacrifice its own interests in order to please the US and engage in a sterile anti-China coalition
9/ in the name of "western values".

US is unwilling to let go of the slightest national interest for the sake of an anti-China alliance whereas China is willing to adapt itself to geopolitical pressure and make concessions when and where necessary.
10/ So the US trade war, its anti-China propaganda onslaught and its much publicized anti-China "democratic coalition" have reaped the following benefits:

i/China bought some more soybeans from the US.

ii/China's trade surplus to the US has increased 20%
iii/China grants Europe most favorable conditions and opens its market to European goods which will enjoy a quasi domestic status

iv/China brings about RCEP, an ambitious agreement aiming to create the world's biggest free trade zone

v/ China is on its way to join CPTPP,
12/ a trade agreement originally designed to exclude and contain China

Cooling off on the one side is bound to render the other side hotter.

American hostility is not the only situation benefiting its European allies.

Aussie hostility also suits its
13/ "democratic" allies. Buying less from Australia means buying more from Europe. China is France' biggest overseas market for red wine accounting for 35% of its overall exports. Hit hard by Covid19, France has no objections to taking over Aussie share of China red wine market.
14/ China reckoned with the possible US containment a long time ago. The BRI initiative built, renovated and revived railways between China and Europe. Now 9000-10,000 trains a year run between China and Europe exchanging goods between the two.
15/ A vast consolidated Eurorasian continent of economic exchange is already up and running bringing Europe and China huge benefits. BRI railways are precious trade routes for European goods to reach China and Asia.

One reason why the western anti-China propaganda centres
16/ on Xinjiang is because of the strategic role latter plays in the new silk road BRI project. Many trains connecting China and Europe originate from Xinjiang, place where "genocide" is alleged to take place. If one goes to Xinjiang, surprise, surprise, mass murder is
17/ nowhere to be seen. Rather it's a trading hub! Kashgar is on its way to become a Dubai style metropolitan connecting China, West Asia and Europe.

A stable and prosperous Eurasian continent excluding USA influence is something USA doesn't wish to see,
18/ hence its #Uighurgenocide propaganda targeting Xinjiang. So far, Europe adheres to such narrative. EU should now ask itself whether such narrative is within its own interests. Xinjiang is on the new silk road trade routes for the
19/ European goods to reach their biggest market: China.

EU's overall investments in China amount to 118 bn US$ covering 38, 000 investment projects. 89% of the European investors surveyed expressed confidence and optimism in the performance of the Chinese economy.
2/3 of them have designated China as the three best investment destinations.

Vice versa, China is showing growing interest in Europe as an investment destination. China invests about 10 bn US$ in Europe a year. The overall Chinese investments amount to about 80 bn US$.
21/ In 2020, China has replaced USA as the biggest trading partner of Europe. The relationship between China and Europe will be getting hotter and hotter in the years to come.

World is moving in the opposite direction of what the US would like to see.
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