Leading London Jews were running the first modern war concentration camps where over 60,000 whites & blacks died, including more than 14,000 mostly white children who were subjected to Burroughs Wellcome & Co. (now Wellcome Trust–CV funder & GlaxoSmithKline) vaccine experiments
Lord Pirbright (Rothschild) and his banker cousins at N.M. Rothschild & Co. were godfathers of the 2nd Boer War concentration camps (1899-1902) to drive the French, Dutch and Germans out of South Africa
These Privy Council and Parliamentary records have been discovered after much difficulty and missing documents...

Pirbright was a Rothchild & his history can be read in the article which also includes info on him helping to steal Nikola Tesla’s work.
Pirbright also helped other men acquire valuable African poisons & cures used in extensive vaccine experimentation on human beings-including black & Boer (German, Dutch and French) prisoners they had put in concentration camps and performed fatal Wellcome Trust drug experiments
This is a very interesting and long read. I highly recommend you read it. I don't want to make the thread too long & I'm sure someone can do a much better job than I. However, see the next tweets to see where this all going to
(FEB. 20, 2020)—Once we discovered that the Coronavirus was created and patented (U.S. Pat. No. 10,130,701) by “The Pirbright Institute, Woking, Pirbright, Surrey,” we were compelled to learn more about this Pirbright organization and the village of Pirbright.
The Pirbright Institute is very evidently part of the Pilgrims Society’s 200-year Rhodes-ian plan to create an un-elected one-world government where USA is made subservient to the Pilgrims Society & its UN
As we are just now discovering, Rhodes had a mentor for his 200-year plan
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