The view in D.C.’s Freedom Plaza where Trump supporters are gathering for the March to Save America which is one of a few early bird rallies ahead of their main event(s) tomorrow. They were chanting “do not certify” when I walked through.
Bit of an lonely vibe downtown with music from Freedom Plaza echoing down empty streets, devoid of traffic. Snow plows sealing off major roads again near the White House. They’re seeing more use as roadblocks than for weather these days.
Caught a glimpse of the...err, “Hippies 4 Trump 2020” bus driving into downtown past police headquarters.
Alright, important update on the Hippies for Trump bus: It’s been stopped near the 9th Street tunnel and surrounded by loads of police. Right outside the Justice Department of all places. Looks like it’s being searched.
Police are poking around for something in the back (and stuff strapped to the roof) with a few K-9 units. They’ve got the bus cordoned off with yellow tape but they’ve drawn down their presence a bit. There were seriously TONS of police earlier. – bei U.S. Department of Justice
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