Finding myself profoundly bored of economics.

More to the point finding myself profoundly bored of le Socialism vs. le Capitalism """debates""" between two groups of midwits unable to grapple with the harsh truth that neither has ever existed or can ever exist.
Every human polity in history - from the earliest tribes which saw the clan Patriarch decide which game was hunted, when and how the spoils were shared to the meteoric, state guided industrialization of Deng-Xi China - has been a planned economy.

Nothing else is possible.
-because no matter what your goofy idealism about the proletariat or rugged, entrepreneurial spirit wants you will nonetheless find you can't wish away power with your heartfelt hopes.

You will always be ruled by a Tsar.

He will always decide how the money is made.
With this in mind there are only two meaningful economic questions;

How centralized will state guidance of the economy be? Will you allow the tail of Capital to often wag the dog of the State like D.C, or keep them on a tight leash like Beijing?

Same system, slight difference

How much of the spoils of state enterprise will be redistributed to the proles? Will the state utilize it's profits to the pursuit of the common good or the people - thus vindicating the entire arrangement - or will it let the people eat cake as cogs in the machine?
In answering these questions two things become clear, in turn. First, the PopLeft who breathlessly deny supporting the Chinese Model are, by mere virtue of the fact they advocate for centralization and regulation, liars.

They're all Dengists in denial.
Secondly, the NatPop who breathlessly condemn offshoring are, by mere virtue of the fact they often advocate for decentralization and deregulation, liars. They fully support offshoring.

They're all Bezos in denial.
There is no free market.

There is no socialism.

There is only "how heavy handed do I want the Patriarch to be in guiding economic policy?" If heavy handed, you are with Xi and his way. If a light touch, you are with Bezos and Zuckerberg and their way.

All else is cope
All of your contemptible ideologies with their pristine presuppositions, cult of personality thought leaders and sacred texts fail because they are annihilated upon contact with power.

Pick your poison.

How much control should he have and how much should he give you?

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