Venerating dumbocracy instead of revering and cultivating the quality of those who vote and rule is like venerating a hammer for building a house made out of trash. "Thank God we had that hammer or we'd have no house!" they exclaim, knee deep in feces with the roof falling in.
Incurious feebloids who lack the guts to live for themselves or to take responsibility for others LOVE dumbocracy. There is no system that asks less of, and gives more to, the undeserving than modern "democracy" of deracinated mediocrities.
They have therefore baptized the hammer, cheating it of its proper meaning: a tool of a people to decide the functions of their state; they convert it into religious a fetish and use it to suppress the builders instead.
This state of affairs cannot last. The builder has it in his blood to build and men of quality can tear down and build up the house with bare hands, they are the makers of tools, and they can do it anywhere they go. This is what happened throughout history.
I only want to return to the proper state of affairs as quickly as possible by whatever means. I think it will come soon. If you listen late at night you can hear the Verwandlungsmusik swelling in the psychosphere. The best of us are rising. Things will be how they ought to be.
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