If I'm being honest woke ideaoligy feels more and more like a religion being forced on me everyday.

Pple everywhere are demanding that we all adopt it in every aspect of our lives. Our intimate & sexual lives, how we raise our children, who we choose to associate with...
I mean. Pple are trying to tell me that there is such a thing as "Boy" and "Girl" souls and some souls are misplaced and born in the wrong body.

Trying to tell me that I shuld raise my (possible) kids a certain way.

Without pronouns, to be gender Nuetral, to be woke ect...
Who I shuld have sex with. Why my intimate, romantic & sexual life shuld be an all inclusive space where everyone who wants to be there. Even the ones who don't, shuld all be welcomed and not denied.

That I shuldnt listen to certain pple (JKR) or read certain books (her books)
Being a Christian on its own is already exhausting enough on its own.

I can't adopt a regious doctrine as hard, strict and taxing as wokeism into my life at this point. Or any point for that matter.

No thank you.
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