Types to be cautious of on Twitter:

1. People who lock & unlock their account every couple of weeks.

2. People whose accounts generally last about month then return soon after with a new one.

3. Allison Pearson.

4. People who tell Twitter they’re taking a break from Twitter.
5. People with eight numbers in their handle

6. People who have an account for their pet

7. People whose bios state “all views my own”

8. People whose bios make jokes about their views not being their own

9. Owen Jones

10. People with any type of flag on their profile
11. People who state which football team they support with “for my sins” after it

12. People who post pics of their Sunday lunch

13. People who definitely voted for Boris but now tweet angry stuff about him like they were totally unaware of what to expect from him

14. Scots
You can follow @nickgoff79.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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