We’re a coalition of #environmentaljustice and frontline groups in CA fighting for "setbacks" or "buffer zones" of at least 2,500 feet between sensitive areas, like homes, and oil and gas drilling.

This kind of rule is common sense, but CA is falling behind other states that have instituted setbacks, like Colorado. CA can't claim to be an #environmentalleader when it does not do the bare minimum to protect #frontlinecommunities, many of whom work in the oil industry.

There are 2 ways to achieve these #setbacks:

@CAgovernor @GavinNewsom can direct the Dept. of Conservation's CalGEM (California Geologic Energy Management Division) to institute setbacks RIGHT NOW, but he prefers dining out with fossil fuel lobbyists instead

The other option is through the state legislature with bills like #AB345. This bill called for the nation's first statewide #setback between oil and gas facilities and "sensitive receptors" like hospitals, schools, homes, and daycare centers.

After 2 years of organizing from frontline communities statewide, 3 * #Democratic* Senators killed the bill last year in the Senate calling it “a "waste of time" and "publicity stunt.”

Remarks by @SenBenHueso were despicable and highlighted his failure to represent his district, specifically the majority of Californians (~76%) that supported setbacks.

The 3 Dem. state senators ( @SenBenHueso along with @SenateHertzberg & @CASenCaballero) that killed this bill also allowed the erasure of the ~860,000 Californians this bill would have protected from the adverse health consequences of living/working near #oil & #gas activity

So where does this leave us? On NYE, CalGEM released a memo stating that while they hoped to release the draft regulations last month, they are now postponing it until …...Spring 2021.

Read the memo here: https://www.conservation.ca.gov/calgem/Documents/public-health/CalGEM%20PH%20Rulemaking%20Update%2012.31.2020.pdf

CalGEM has had since Nov 19th, 2019 to strengthen public health & safety protections for communities near #oil & #gas production operations. This delay is another failure of the #Newsom admin to protect the 7M Californians whose health is affected by fossil fuel extraction.

After 40,000 public comments & multiple in person meetings requesting #setbacks, the admin. seems dead set on dragging its feet while #frontlinecommunities suffer. With the pandemic continuing to disprop. hurt communities that have been marginalized for generations...

these same communities are forced to shelter in place in their houses that put them at health risks. A recent #Harvard study (Nov. 2020) even showed that a small increase in long-term exposure to PM2.5 leads to a large increase in the #COVID-19 death rate.

Another recent study (Dec. 2020) has stated that "hospitalization for heart failure possibly linked to #fracking." So one can imagine the frustration #CA communities feel when a governor that distinguishes himself from #republicans and specifically #Trump...

by stating that his administration believes in #science, picks and chooses what science to believe depending on how it benefits the administration instead of the communities most hurt by it. The #governor can correct his missteps at any time but we are tired of waiting...

for #Newsom to catch up after 400+ days have passed and these communities, which are literally referred to as sacrifice zones, get no justice.

These communities will now have to wait MONTHS to get an answer from an agency that has had no problem accommodating the oil & gas industry. However, when it comes to actual people's livelihoods & health being impacted by these industries, they do not get the same urgency.

#CalGEM needs to prioritize actual people over profit, and needs to do it now.

Our communities do not have the luxury of waiting, they are feeling the health impacts every minute we fail to act. It’s time for #SetbacksNow #NoDrillingWhereWereLIving

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