Did Islam spread by Forced Conversions?

Not only Hugh Kennedy, but the Orientalist De Lacy O Leary as well busts the claim that Islam spread due to forced conversions. Its actually one of the biggest myths that mUzZieS kILLed pEoPlE aNd dId fOrcEd cOnvErsiOns.
Some facts which debunk the claim that Islam spread by sword or forced conversions.
If Islam was spread by Sword, then it was the sword of Intellect and convincing rational arguments that it presents as "Deen e Fitrah" , as beautifully spoken here by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat (May Allah bless him)
Famous inter religious scholar Huston Smith also debunks the myth of forced conversions and praises the Prophet SAW for bestowing Jews and Christians with the right to practice their religion freely.
"NaH bUt Muhammad WaS aN iNtoLerAnt mAn aNd a WaRmOngeRer"
Facts dont care about your ignorance, dumb Islamophobes
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