I wonder what skeptical and anti-woo movements could be like if they were led by marginalized people who have good reason to be wary of medical providers and medical researchers.
I want a skeptic community that defines woo in a way that objects to things like graduated exercise for ME.
I want a skeptic community that recognizes it as woo when behaviorists try to use dig training methods to teach human beings to communicate because they’re ignoring the evidence about how human language development actually works.
I want a skeptic community that recognizes it as woo when behaviorists as a matter of ideology ignore the human mind.
I want a skeptic community that understands that sometimes woo is published in peer reviewed journals and regarded as evidence-based by a wide range of mainstream medical professionals in good standing.
I want a skeptic community that understands why a lot of patients absolutely need to Google their medical conditions in order to get good medical care.
I want a skeptic community that recognizes it as woo when women who don’t need SSRIs are prescribed them anyway by doctors who are unwilling to take women seriously when they report physical symptoms.
What if the skeptic community stopped implicitly and explicitly calling people the r-word, and started recognizing that it’s woo when behaviorists try to teach people things without seeing their minds as real? https://twitter.com/rutiregan/status/1346510321356308480
I want a skeptic community that respects the well-founded skepticism of marginalized people instead of mocking it.
This too. I want a skeptic community that objects to the shenanigans being pulled by insurance companies and PBMs. https://twitter.com/rockshrimp/status/1346509754525478919
I want a skeptic community that gets beyond good after soft targets like homeopathy and also goes after harder targets like insurance companies using spurious woo to deny coverage for medications a patient clearly needs.
I want a skeptic community that recognizes QALYs as woo.
Don’t stop at homeopathy. Go after bioethicists too.
Go after pseudoscience coercively imposed on women as hard as you go after pseudoscience popular primarily among women.
You can follow @RutiRegan.
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