Today my daughter's daycare lunch is roast chicken, brown rice, roast veg, avocado, homemade applesauce and oranges. Other weeks its entirely store-bought, pre-packaged. If you're a parent w #ADHD, learning to embrace and work with your variable capacity is key.
routine is extra challenging, and emotional regulation and focus on your child can put you in the exec dysfunction doghouse some days. That's why parental self-care is EXTRA important.
we have this culture of 'everything for my child' helicopter parenting right but I just want to remind you that kids are resilient. 20 minutes of focused playtime in a day will be something they remember more than you devoting your entire identity to them.
asking for help, letting kids play on their own, and feeding them 'snack plates' are all morally neutral and legitimate ways of parenting. You are not a bad parent if you struggle with consistency.
For me, it's important to stay attuned to my own capacity. When I'm low capacity, that means watch out for distraction triggers; turn my phone off or let the battery die so I'm not totally checked out when I'm parenting. Be ok with low-energy activities like watching shows
or watching my daughter play. Not putting pressure on myself to keep the house looking great - making the choice to be OK with imperfection so that I can devote the focus I do have to the most important tasks of feeding us, pet care and childcare.
On other days, like today, we are up and out of bed at 6 am, both fully rested, dressed, with a healthy breakfast and lunch at a leisurely pace. It IS possible. It takes time, work and curiosity about what systems and routines will work for you - but I promise, it's possible.
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