Remarkable data from the ONS just published which shows that they think just over 2% of the population in England had Covid-19 in the week to January 2nd.

That's 1 in 50, potentially as high as 1 in 45.
In London the ONS estimates that the percentage of the population with Covid is 3.3%. They estimate that one in 30 Londoners have the disease.
ONS modelled estimates for Covid+ per region in England

London: 1 in 30
North East: 1 in 55
North West: 1 in 40
Yorkshire and Humber: 1 in 55
East Midlands: 1 in 40
West Midlands: 1 in 65
East: 1 in 45
South East: 1 in 45
South West: 1 in 125
With numbers as high as this, there was still school mixing in many places yesterday
This is modelled ONS Covid+ estimates by region. London way out above the rest, though dipping. Other regions, especially NW catching up. You'll see rise in the north west is especially rapid from mid to late Dec. Calls into question again the decision not to lockdown earlier.
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