1/N By now, everyone has seen the targeted attack on our colleague, Kathleen Stock @Docstockk signed by scores of people in our discipline. A number of them are notorious repeat offenders with regard to this sort of unprofessional, uncivil behavior.
2/N Of course, it was expected. Not only was news of the Open Letter leaked before its release, recent developments in fraught area of trans and women's rights and prerogatives insured that the more vitriolic of the trans rights activists in our discipline would do something.
3/N The recent devastating loss in the courts in the Keira Bell case. The disastrous revelations of serial and serious malpractice at a prominent gender clinic. However, the recent bestowing of an OBE on Kathleen was what I think tipped the cart.
4/N That women have the right to expect single sex intimate provisions and single sex sports is not only a mainstream position, it is likely the position of a significant majority of the public. So long as activists operate within their echo chambers and the unreal environments
5/N of social media, it is easy to forget this. But when one's face is shoved into reality it is jarring and provokes a desire to lash out. And for some reason, Kathleen has been the go-to person for this lashing out. It is straight up, flat out harassment and bullying.
6/N We must not tolerate this sort of behavior in our discipline if we want it to survive and retain any kind of respect or standing with the public, whom it is our job as educators to serve. I call on decent people in our profession and across academia to join me in opposing
7/N this terrible development in our discipline. I am willing to coordinate an effort to publish an Open Letter expressing our opposition to this sort of targeted witch-hunting and reaffirming our commitment to decency and professionalism in. the Academy. DM's are open.
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