For the “DO SOMETHING!” crowd.
These are system failures, not people failures (other than voters and their representatives).

Thread on addressing people breaking the federal law or committing other transgressions on behalf of Trump
There are a few ways to address breaking the federal law: 1. Law enforcement/courts 2. If they are an unelected federal employee, they can be fired
3. If they are elected, vote them out
4. If they are in certain positions, impeachment and removal.
Obviously, the first can be done *as well* as any of the others.

Let’s look at number 1 - law enforcement/courts.

The ONLY branch of government empowered to prosecute on behalf of the federal government is the executive branch. 3/
There is a long-standing policy that the president herself cannot be prosecuted but anyone else in the federal government can (or friends of the president) and systemically *should* if it’s clear the law was broken and the evidence is there for who broke it. 4/
System weakness: a single political appointee (the Attorney General) presides over *all* federal law enforcement.
System failure: Bill Barr decided not to pursue any federal crimes done on behalf of Trump.

Nothing anyone else can do.

2. If they are an unelected federal employee, they can be fired

Clearly if their boss approves of their transgression, they won’t be fired.

3. If they are elected, vote them out

If their voters like their transgressions, they won’t be voted out.

4. If they are in certain positions, impeachment and removal.

If the right number of voters in the right geographic distribution don’t want impeachment and removal, and their representatives don’t want to go against their voters OR 8/
- something people often forget - the representatives are actually *of* their voters - share their beliefs, biases, bigotries, and manias - they won’t be removed.

So we have one system flaw: the executive branch can choose not to police itself.

One big population flaw: a lot of people actually support this cr*p.

Do something? Work on fixing those two problems.
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