If you are a producer, you need a YouTube channel. This is no longer negotiable.
To further explain. YouTube is nice IMO for 2 fundamental reasons. 1. The algorithm rewards consistent & VALUABLE niche based content. I dont have to prove this because every successful YouTube channel is evidence. Do your own due diligence, resist the urge to be a slave.
2. You don't need a gimmick, scam, or cross promo because IT IS SEARCH-BASED. You can be totally random with NO support and still blow up by creating content people will SEARCH FOR.
A nice bonus is that YouTube (or Google) will NEVER charge you for this, because it is far more beneficial for them to let you on the platform for free so they can run ads on the good, engaging content you produce.
AND they even cut you a slice of that ad money!!! So basically, there is a clear formula to getting paid on YT. And that's before we've even discussed the advertising opportunities you'll attract on your own from sponsors. More $$$ .
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