I see all these tweets insulting public defenders and its wild because public defenders are constantly blamed for circumstances created by legislators, judges + prosecutors. We aren’t to blame for mandatory minimums, your odds at trial, cash bail etc. 1/
And the reality that people don’t discuss is that MOST cases in the criminal system are handled by public defenders because most people in the criminal system are poor. Most ppl who’ve been arrested and are free, it’s because a public defender got them out 2/
Nevertheless, between media and entertainment deliberately painting public defenders as inept, not “real lawyers” and whatever bad experiences ppl have had, I can’t fault ppl for not having faith in us as a collective. Don’t like it but I’m not mad about it 3/
Luckily for everyone public defenders don’t do the job for the recognition and respect so we’ll continue doing the work everyday, whether we’re well liked or not 4/
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