Lord Raptor (aka Zabel Zarock) animation appreciation thread

His Hell Dunk is one of the coolest super attacks ever committed to sprites!

Summons a monster that swallows his opponent, spits them out as a basketball and then transforms into a hoop so he can dunk them (1/5)
Hell Dunk slowed down so you can appreciate the madness of this attack, easily a top 10 creative super move

I love the extra detail of him transforming into wearing the basketball jersey
Mortal Kombat may be grossly violent and hardly anyone blinks, but it's hard to imagine any game getting away with Lord Raptor's Murderer Beat these days

Pops out his ribs so he can repeatedly thrust them into his victim

Just a little suggestive 😳
Compared to Hell Dunk and Murderer Beat I guess Evil Scream isn't too crazy, but this is still a sick attack

This might be a funny comparison, but for some reason it reminds me of Time Killers (random fact: my colleague David Thiel did the music for that game)
Whether you say Darkstalkers or Vampire Savior, Lord Raptor or Zabel Zarock, this game is probably the peak of Capcom's creative animation

Probably never see its like again sadly

Even Third Strike's gorgeous sprites can't top the insanity of these games
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